#!/bin/bash i=1 rep=$1 # how many submissions to generate #To Do: use Curl to scrape furaffinity.net's main page and find a way to parse down to the first submission found. maxsubs=52089873 #sets the default maximum bound of submission depth # It's recommended to set the max subs yourself, as there isn't a good # way to poll the website and check for that. minsubs=0 #sets the default minimum bound of submission depth minsubarg=$2 echo "===FA.SH: The Random FA Sub Generator===" validate=1 # Validate the rep count is only numbers. while [ $validate -eq 1 ] do if [[ -z "$rep" ]]; then validate=1 echo "///" echo "How many submissions to pull? (Default: 1)" echo "///" read rep fi if [[ -n "$rep" ]]; then echo "Debug: Checking Submission Input." if [[ $rep != [0-9]* ]]; then echo "Submission Argument Not an Integer." unset rep else ((validate--)); fi fi done echo "debug: amount of submissions requested: $rep" if [[ -z "$minsubarg" ]]; then echo "debug: no minimum sub id given" else echo "debug: minimum sub id: $minsubarg" fi echo "debug: max sub id: $maxsubs" if [[ $minsubarg -gt $minsubs ]]; then minsubs=$minsubarg else minsubs=$minsubs fi echo "debug: min sub id: $minsubs" repeat=1 while [ $repeat -eq 1 ] do while [ $i -le $rep ] do ranid=$(shuf -i $minsubs-$maxsubs -n1) if grep -w $ranid already-checked.txt; then #check if it's been seen before, re-roll without iterating the loop and check again. echo "😿 Already presented $ranid , re-rolling." else # curl the url if it's not in the list already # see if it errors out for not existing in the database. result=$(curl -s --stderr - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/$ranid) if grep -q "not in our database" <<< "$result"; then echo "($i of $rep) $ranid does not exist, logged and re-rolling." echo "$ranid" >> already-checked.txt sleep 0.5 elif grep -q "pending deletion" <<< "$result"; then echo "($i of $rep) $ranid is pending deletion, logged and re-rolling." echo "$ranid" >> already-checked.txt sleep 0.5 # if it passes the second test, run the main script. else # Only upticks the counter on a hit. xdg-open https://furaffinity.net/view/$ranid 2> /dev/null echo "$ranid" >> already-checked.txt echo "($i of $rep) 🔫 New Submission! $ranid " counts=$(wc already-checked.txt | awk '{print $1}') sleep 0.5 #to avoid site throttling. ((i++)) fi fi done echo "viewed $counts pages so far." read -r -p "😼 Do you want to go another $rep? (Y/n): " answer case $answer in [Yy]* ) echo "Going for another round!"; i=0;; [Nn]* ) ((repeat--)); echo "Ok, bye!";; * ) echo "Going for another round!"; i=0;; esac done exit